pg电子下载 State University is committed to developing institutional plans that build on the progressof the University over the past 150th while charting the direction for University for the next 150 years. The Campus Master Plan (CMP) is a physical manifestation of the Strategic Plan that reflects the unique aspects of the University within the broader context of the Mississippi higher education system, its land-grant mission, and a plan that will inspire transformational change. At its best, it becomes a crucial tool in confirming that short-term projects are working in conjunction with long-term plans and goals.

In the current climate, intentional planning is paramount to institutional stability and sustainability. Comprehensive master planning is designed to ask: How do you deal with aging facilities and deferred maintenance budgets? Is there a surplus or deficit of space on Campus? What will COVID-19 teach us about the need for physical space vs virtual/smart technology expansion and its impact on student success? What is the nature of facilities that best adapt to abrupt changes in the higher education landscape? A successful process, yields plausible solutions to that are both transformative and sustainable.

Through a competitive RFP process, the University secured the consultant services of Canizaro Cathow Davis to facilitate and shepherd this process. Employing shared governance, the process will be inclusive and engage a broad cross section of stakeholders. We will make available opportunities for the broader campus community and external stakeholders to contribute to the development of the CMP through focus groups and/or listening sessions. A website will be developed to track the progress of the process.

The process will be organized such that there will be two committees:
• Campus Master Planning Steering Committee
• Campus Master Planning Committee

The Committee will advise on appropriate implementation and monitoring in guiding the development of a plan.

Chair and Co-Chair

Campus Master Plan Steering Committee Members

Campus Master Plan Committee Members